_ So, what is your greatest fear, she asks?
_ Oh, I duno. What’s yours? I childishly attempt to throw the ball back in her court.
_ Oh, I duno. What’s yours? I childishly attempt to throw the ball back in her court.
_ Don’t do that! she shakes her head understandingly. We’re talking about You now.
_ But there’s nothing all that interesting about me, I shun, stressing each word. I’m just like everybody else. Nothing special, really.
_ Well, of course you are! And that should make it easier for you now: to open up. C’mon. it will do you good.
I try to take her on her word…’it would be good for me’. .. _ The truth is, I say aloud. I don’t really want to tell you.
I try to take her on her word…’it would be good for me’. .. _ The truth is, I say aloud. I don’t really want to tell you.
_ Do you even know? she ducks.
Do I even know? sure I do, it’s… damn, it’s hard. There’re so many things I fear. My greatest?
She watches me patiently, as I weight things in my head. Memories come and go, secret dreams dare to come forward for a split of a thought. Where should I look: in my past? To my future?
_ Same thing, she interrupts abruptly.
She watches me patiently, as I weight things in my head. Memories come and go, secret dreams dare to come forward for a split of a thought. Where should I look: in my past? To my future?
_ Same thing, she interrupts abruptly.
Say, what? What’s the same?
_ It doesn’t matter where it comes from and what it does to you. Stop avoiding the issue and look her straight in the eyes!
Blood rushes into my chicks; I feel them burning; I take a deep breath and look up, all pepped up to the challenge.
_ It doesn’t matter where it comes from and what it does to you. Stop avoiding the issue and look her straight in the eyes!
Blood rushes into my chicks; I feel them burning; I take a deep breath and look up, all pepped up to the challenge.
She’s not there, though. My eyes stare blank, in disbelief.