Tip of the Week by yours truly, Love Tactics!
“Even though it’s natural to want to spill your guts to somebody when you like them, do NOT be telling them all the negative things in your life and all your dirty little secrets.
Don’t talk about your insecurities and weaknesses.
It only contributes to the loss of their respect for you, which is essential for the falling in love process to occur.”
~ Tom McKnight
w h a t a l o a d o f c r a p !
withholding the truth is a lie;
an incomplete truth is also a lie.
since when honesty makes for loss of respect? respect for whom? a lier? a pretender? a coward?
and WHO would you be in love with, anyhow, not knowing them for who they really are? (super-man /super-woman?)
magic happens when a soul opens up to another.
what this guy is talking about is a magic-show (david copperfield would be proud of).
yeess! sure you can trick someone into falling in love with you (the nice, enhanced, beautiful, perfect, "you") - but that would be a lie. and lies...
they tend to turn back into froggs faster then you can fake a "true-love's kiss"