I believe in karma.
it’s based on the assumption that the Soul reincarnates several times, taking along the journey whatever lesson it learns.
It implies that one cannot run away from the consequences of one’s actions. They follow you around, from one life to the next. Sooner or later, you will pay your dues!
Another implication that I find particularly exciting is that the whole bouncing from one life to the next has an educational purpose: this is how a Soul learns - lives are but opportunities to try on different personalities, different perspectives. And thus, each life has its own lesson(s).
Karma is directly connected to the lessons. If they hurt, it’s not about punishment. It’s about learning things you don't know (yet). Things you need to learn in order to move on to the next level. To grow. To get closer to 'everything'.
The things connected to your lessons – people, situations, problems – they keep showing up in your life, repeatedly, until you take notice, until you “get it”, until you learn. These are the patterns in your life; look for them, ask yourself: what am I missing here? what is this trying to teach me?
Naturally, people are lazy, and prefer comfort, and easy ways (out). They tend to shun away from responsibilities and difficulties, they shun away pains, avoiding them, pretending them away. Well, they don’t go away because these “difficulties” are the reason you are “here”. And they're meant to be ...well, "difficult".
There is such a thing as “accumulation of karma” – meaning that a specific lesson has been avoided several lives, too many lives: and the time is up. Yes, there is a time schedule. And things get worse as your time runs out. At some point, karma takes over, forcing you to face the issues you are avoiding. You cannot run forever (maybe a few lives). You can live in the moment - only for so long. Like it or not, all these moments are like a huge puzzle (i.e. your life), and they are connected (their connection is you).
The good news is that your Soul also takes along the lessons you do learn in previous lives: your dharma. Your accomplishments, your gifts, your knowledge. The Jack in your sleeve, the stuff you can depend on in your new learning experience.
I know: it's a such a drag to even consider such posibilitie ...but then, consider the alternative.
it's hard to translate Cioran... it says that -"destiny' is a word which only makes sense when you're feeling down, miserable, hopeless.")