With toil, Zeus devised a plan.
"In my opinion," He said, "I have the means to both let the humans continue to be, as well as put an end to their 'unpruned' state, by making them weak.
"I slice each of them in two, and thus they will be weak, but at the same time more useful to us through being a greater number.
After that, with their natures hewn in two, each one missed the union with its other half.
So they each seek their other.
…Asadar, din acest indepartat trecut exista exista dragostea innascuta a oamenilor unul pentru altul, dragostea care ne aduce inapoi la starea noastra dintai, ingaduindu-ne ca, din doi, sa redevenim iarsai unul, si aducandu-I astfel fiirii omenesti tamaduire.
Cand norocul scoate in cale cuiva […] propria sa jumatate, el este cuprins de un avant nespus de inrudire si de dragoste, iar el si perechea nu mai vor sa traiasca despartiti nici macar o clipa.
Asemenea oameni isi petrec asadar intreaga viata impreuna, desi n-ar fi in stare sa spuna ce anume asteapta unul de la celalalt.
Iar dragostea nu este altceva decat un nume pentru dorinta noastra de a fi din nou intregi... cum am spus ca eram dintru inceput.
We were one until our injustice brought dispersion from the gods.
"Hen Ek Duoin": One Out of Two, Aristophanes' Speech from Plato's Symposium
traducerea romaneasca dintr-o carte veche... foarte tare in felul ei
two of cups by Russian Tarot of St Petersburg