Remember that heart-breaking video when you watched and pained for these little green aliens running around NY just tryin’ to say ‘hi’ to people?
boy, did I identified with the poor little sad aliens. Nobody really listened to what they had to say… nobody noticed ... so everybody missed out on such an incredible experience… not that what I have to say makes for an incredible experience… but, nevertheless… I can be quite entertaining sometimes, and I am right most of the times… maybe I'm not reaching for common ground all the time...
But not the poor green little aliens…noooo! They had it all worked out! They came all this way down to Earth and had already made their little English-carton-notes hailing the Americans… well. poor-decision-making on that planet, that’s for sure! Had they went to China, for instance, everyone else being small, people would’ve taken notice, right?!?
Such a sad, sad story… good reason to keep my already overly depressed soul away from it.
it’s that time in my life when I move on. And from the second I asked myself “who did this?”, I knew there’s no going back…
*lift me up*
“I like it”,
“ love should”
“where you end”
Obsessive, terribly obsessive music, that lift me up... Not too happy about it being political… but the little guy is quite interested in the staff… oh, well! He’s a man! (ergo: imperfect) needs toys to play with. Being a vegetarian, there’s little blood to be involved with… I’m sorry, but his hopeless tirades sure remind me of his little “maliens…” Nobody’s interested in just saying “hi”, Moby! people are not that nice..most of the time.
and the man behind the music?so amazingly gentle, fragile, and soft-spoken, and yet opinionated, and headstrong at the same time. So insecure, and yet such a show-off.
And he knows so many words I’ve never even heard of… and I’ve seen the movies, and I listened to the lyrics ;-) he must be reading (ah!) books (do they still do that in the big-bad-world?)
And he’s so terribly nice. I've never read so many “thank you’s” in my life!
Moby has his own BLOG. Fascinating stuff … if you care about American politics. And some other things. http://www.moby.com/journal
And some GREAT pictures! Such a weird point of view… go figure!
I’m doing this in english, so it doesn’t feel like I’m talking behind his back…even though he is actually never going to read it. Oh, well.
I’ve been obsessively listening to this ‘lift me up’ thing… can’t really call it a song, can I? this little guy used to piss me off…now I find him fascinating… I must be evolving, or something.